Beginning in 1975, M.A. Butler led a home Bible study. Several couples met regularly to hear God’s Word and grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. Quickly the Bible study outgrew the home setting and was held in the former North Creek Fire House (where the Tops Plaza currently sits).
By February 29, 1976 the group officially became a church under the leadership of M.A. Butler. After a generous land donation by the Perryman's, several original members constructed the original church building located at 2530 State Route 28 in Wevertown, NY. The first official service in the new building was held on March 5, 1978.
- M.A. Butler
Pastor Butler, his wife Kay, and 5 children were with Calvary from the beginning to June 1977
- R.C. Norris
Pastor Norris, his wife Jean, and 5 children were with Calvary from June 1977 to February 1979
- Richard Andes
Pastor Andes, his wife Betty, and 3 children were with Calvary from May 1979 to March 1980
- Wayne Schoonmaker
Pastor Schoonmaker, his wife Carol, and 3 children were with Calvary from July 1981 to December 2015.
- Jonathan Rayder
Pastor Rayder, his wife Ashley, and son Luke came to Calvary in May 2016.
- During the 15th Anniversary service (Sunday, October 1, 1989) a mortgage burning ceremony was conducted. This signified God’s hand of provision as the church became debt free.
- Dickie Armstrong was Calvary’s incredible youth leader for several years, leaving a lasting impact on a number of young people in the Johnsburg area. Dickie was a hard-working carpenter, who always found time to pour his life into others.
- Ellis Collignon was one of three wonderful triplets (Duane and Doug being his brothers). For years, while he worked as a manager of the Copperfield in North Creek, Ellis was Calvary’s Treasurer. Sadly, Ellis eventually got cancer and kept the church informed of his experience with this illness through emails. Hearing the news of Ellis passing was very difficult for the church as he was part our family.
- Through the years our church has lost several of our close loved ones, all of whom left an indelible mark on Calvary’s history. Praise the Lord for their decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior and the hope that brings that one day we will be able to reunite with these marvelous loved ones who have gone before us.
- In 2011, construction on a new entryway, kitchen, gym, and teen basement/storage began. God once again provided all of the needed resources and the new addition was dedicated on April 6, 2014.
- Starting May 2017, a sanctuary remodeling and expansion project was undertaken and again God surpassed our expectations and provided more than we originally set out to complete. This renovation project was completed in November 2017 and was dedicated to God on Sunday, November 26, 2017.
At Calvary Bible Church we are richly blessed to have decades to draw on, where we have witnessed God’s faithfulness, provision, and steadfast love. NO firmer foundation can a church be built upon than that of God’s unfailing, unchanging Word, the Bible. Thankfully this is Calvary Bible Church’s rich heritage and foundation.
Our continual desire is to see people establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; to grow in that daily walk; and to proclaim the hope which that relationship has afforded us by grace through faith. We simply call this: Reaching Up, Reaching In, & Reaching Out. It is our prayer that God would continue to change lives, challenge hearts, and use us at Calvary Bible Church to call others into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.