Marriage Helps

Marriage HelpsEvery solid marriage takes work. As two individuals come together to share one life there is always a learning curve and adjustment that will take place. Here is a list of quality resources that can help to strengthen, improve your marriage, and center your focus on God’s design for marriage.


Author:  John & Stasi Eldredge
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-140020-038-2

Before I Say I DoBefore You Say I Do
Author:  H. Norman Wright & Wes Roberts
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers
ISBN:  978-073693-110-3

Sacred MarriageSacred Marriage
Author:  Gary Thomas
Publisher:  Zondervan Publishing
ISBN:  978-031033-737-9

Strike the Orginal MatchStrike the Original Match
Author:  Charles Swindoll
Publisher:  Zondervan Publishing
ISBN:  978-031041-351-6

Boy Meets Girl(pre-marriage book) Boy Meets Girl:  Say Hello to Courtship
Author:  Joshua Harris
Publisher:  Multnomah Books
ISBN:  1-57673-709-8

5 Love Languages5 Love Languages  
Author:  Gary Chapman
Publisher:  Northfield Publishing
ISBN:  978-080241-270-6

Love & Respect Love & Respect
Author:  Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-159145-187-7

The Love DareThe Love Dare
Author:  Stephen Kendrick
Publisher:  B & H Books
ISBN:  978-143367-959-9

You and Me ForeverYou and Me Forever
Author:  Francis Chan
Publisher:  Claire Love Publishing
ISBN:  978-099035-140-5

Hope For the SeparatedHope For The Separated
Author:  Gary Chapman
Publisher:  Moody Press
ISBN:  0-8024-3616-1

What Did you ExpectWhat Did You Expect
Author:  Paul David Tripp
Publisher:  Crossway
ISBN:  978-143354-945-8

Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got MarriedThings I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married
Author:  Gary Chapman
Publisher:  Northfield Publishing
ISBN:  978-161664-894-7

Are We There YetAre We There Yet?
Author:  Paul Chappell
Publisher:  Striving Together Publications
ISBN:  978-159894-353-5

The Excellent WifeThe Excellent Wife
Author:  Martha Peace
Publisher:  Focus Publishing
ISBN:  978-188590-408-9

Secrets to Lasting LoveSecrets to Lasting Love
Author:  Gary Smalley
Publisher:  Free Press
ISBN:  978-068485-051-6

Solid AnswersSolid Answers
Author:  Dr. James Dobson
Publisher:  Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN:  978-084230-623-2

Love is a DecisionLove is a Decision
Author:  Gary Smalley
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-084994-268-6

Staying CloseStaying Close
Author:  Dennis & Barbara Rainey
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-078526-168-1

Wild At HeartWild at Heart
Author:  John Eldredge
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-140020-039-9

Author:  John & Stasi Eldredge
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-140020-038-2

Before I Say I DoBefore You Say I Do
Author:  H. Norman Wright & Wes Roberts
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers
ISBN:  978-073693-110-3

Sacred MarriageSacred Marriage
Author:  Gary Thomas
Publisher:  Zondervan Publishing
ISBN:  978-031033-737-9

Strike the Orginal MatchStrike the Original Match
Author:  Charles Swindoll
Publisher:  Zondervan Publishing
ISBN:  978-031041-351-6

Boy Meets Girl(pre-marriage book) Boy Meets Girl:  Say Hello to Courtship
Author:  Joshua Harris
Publisher:  Multnomah Books
ISBN:  1-57673-709-8

5 Love Languages5 Love Languages  
Author:  Gary Chapman
Publisher:  Northfield Publishing
ISBN:  978-080241-270-6

Love & Respect Love & Respect
Author:  Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
ISBN:  978-159145-187-7

The Love DareThe Love Dare
Author:  Stephen Kendrick
Publisher:  B & H Books
ISBN:  978-143367-959-9

Bible Study Marriage Helps


Parenting Helps Forgiveness


Spiritual Growth Helps
Sharing the Gospel Helps/Tools